Surfing Mustang Trainer Malia Gore

Melia Gore is a 16 year old horse trainer from South Padre Island, Texas. Coming from a family of surfers, she began her journey on her tenth birthday when she got her first horse, Texas, at the time a young green broke Paint/Quarter Horse who has since grown and progressed into a fantastic one of a kind performance horse. This young cowgirl enjoys working with problem horses and helping others to develop their own groundwork and riding skills. Currently Melia teaches horsemanship & riding lessons and enjoys working with her personal horses. Using the Down Under Horsemanship Method, she trained her first mustang, Disco, when she competed in the Fort Worth Extreme Mustang Makeover at the age of 12. Following the competition Melia used her winnings to establish the Youth Incentive Fund, a scholarship grant established to give more youth the opportunity to go on the same radically life changing journey and help place more mustangs into their forever homes. Continuing in her goal of promoting the mustang breed, she went on to make the documentary “Dancing With Mustangs” which won grand prize in the Equus Film Festival, earning a spot on the NYC big screen. Melia has since had the opportunity to travel to Idaho and train under Matt and Stacie Zimmerman where she was able to further her knowledge in the field of natural horsemanship through invaluable hands on experience. Along with being a horsewoman, Melia is also a surfer and national lifeguard competitor, so heads up and stay tuned for the worlds first surfing horse!

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