Horse Super Model-Chief

My name is Chloe and I am 16 years old. I live In Maryland and I started to ride horses when I was 2 years old! Chief was my first horse, I got him when I was 7 years old and he was 6 years old. He is the first horse I trained to barrel race. We did it for fun at first but over time we started to do it for competition. After a year when we pulled up to races people know who we were. He qualified for the National Junior High School Finals in 2015 and 2016. Chief’s other talents are Pole bending, which he also qualified for the National Junior High School Finals in 2015 and 2016. He can also jump 4ft with ease! Now what’s so amazing about that is Chief is only 14.2 hh so he isn’t a tall horse. Even though he might be little he does everything you ask him with all of his heart. Chief is now 15 years old and is leaving a nice and happy retirement, he now teaches little kids how to ride.
Chief is our super Model for Baby FAce Sun & Bug Guard-Isnt he perfect!!!! Those blue eyes, pink nose and lots of white makes this guy vulnerable in the sun. We have him covered and chase the flies away as a bonus! Naturally! Welcome Chloe and Chief to the Green Horse Family.